NARUSE Japanese Site

Letter of introduction

In this letter, I am writing to introduce Tea Naruse Inc., which was established in Himeji-city (Western Japan) in 1945. Tea Naruse is well established in the Japanese market. Specializing in tea refining and wholesaling, Tea Naruse process teas and distribute its products through a large national grocery chain.

Tea Naruse, Inc., also distributes its products to local and/or regional grocery stores, and our market opportunities reaches as far as Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost land, utilizing a well established network via convenience stores in that region.

We also have a strong tie with JA (Japan Agricultural Cooperative Union) and introduce our tea products at A-Coop stores for consumers living in the suburb. We have a history of established trust and relationship with nationwide tea farmers, and we believe that Tea Naruse can offer you safe and reliable products.

Tea Naruse is one of a few green tea manufacturers that is granted "Organic JAS" title by the Japanese Agricultural Ministry (JAS stands for Japan Agricultural Standard). Many claim that their tea is "organic", but it does not necessarily mean that their organic products are made at their own Organic-JAS certified tea processing facilities. Please note that our high quality products are processed and packaged at our Organic-JAS approved tea processing factory in western Japan.

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries licenses Organic-JAS to qualified registrants. As you may know, authentic green tea is now quite popular in upscale hotels and restaurants, which send buyers to select high-quality teas. Green tea not only tastes delicious and offers many health benefits when prepared correctly, but also has a choice to add a beautiful appearance to fine dining for gourmet. We suspect that you might also enjoy considering high quality green teas as part of your choice and that our product would be highly valued by your guest and clientele. I believe that Tea Naruse would be an ideal addition to your healthy gourmet style.

Though Tea Naruse is a Japan-centered business, it would be our pleasure to distribute our products to your doors oversea. If you were interested in any of our products, we would be delighted to discuss ways to introduce them to you.

Thanks again for expressing an interest in Tea Naruse, and thank you for your time and attention.

NARUSE Japanese Site

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Corpolate Profile

Company NameTea Naruse Inc.
Address 3-789 Mitachi-kita, Himeji-city, Hyogo 6700071   Japan
CEOHiromitsu Naruse
Tea Naruse (factory)
Tea Naruse (shop)